Leap for RO tech with production of bespoke water treatment systems

Photograph of Salinity water treatment unit

Water innovation start-up Salinity Solutions has actually signed an arrangement with procedure options maker Te-Tech Process Solutions to begin production of bespoke water treatment systems integrating its “innovative” water filtration innovation.

With 80% of the world’s wastewater still launched neglected, there is a significant hunger for originalities, particularly when it concerns making treatment more energy effective.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) has actually been a conventional go-to, a procedure where water is cleansed by pumping it through a semi-permeable membrane. Traditional RO uses up a great deal of energy pumping water through a membrane. Salinity Solutions states its innovation over halves the energy utilized, with the aid of a trademarked mix of a pressure exchange vessel and advanced recirculation control. It likewise produces around 80% less waste than standard RO techniques, states the company.

The journey from theory to truth has actually taken ten years, however this brand-new contract is “a turning point for us on our course to commercialisation”, states to co-founder Tim Naughton (27 ), who co-developed the innovation while studying mechanical engineering at Aston University. He co-founded Salinity Solutions in 2021.

The contract implies Te-Tech will make the innovation. Target applications vary from community wastewater treatment to high-value mineral extraction, health care, food processing and hazardous waste, to farming and rural drinking water.

Salinity Solutions has actually up until now raised over ₤ 1.5 m from personal sources and 2 rounds of financing on Crowdcube. One patent has actually currently been given and 4 more are stated to be in the pipeline. It has actually held effective field trials with eco-mining business, Cornish Lithium and upcoming trials consist of community water, food processing and seawater desalination.

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